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sabato 4 ottobre 2014

Sweet cupcake

Ho pubblicato la mia scatolina nel gruppo  " Tole Painters Unite " su Facebook e ha avuto un grande consenso così ho deciso di realizzare il progetto per fare un piccolo regalino agli amici e a chi mi segue ! Il progetto è mio ma come ho già detto nel post precedente è ispirato al design di Sandra Malone artista che peraltro ammiro molto per la qualità di pittura !
Eccolo : il disegno

Il progetto :
Sweet Cupcake
Palette :  Decoart Americana Acrylics :
Lamp Black , Taffy Cream , Honey Brown , Light Parchment , Gooseberry Pink , Boysenberry Pink , Hi-Lite Flesh , Warm White , Fiery Red ( neons ) , Burnt Umber , Soft Black , Shading Flesh , Deep Burgundy , Black Plum , Crimson Tide , Green Tea  ,  Avocado , Baby Pink .
Surface :  cardboard box .
Preparation of background :
Apply the Decoart Multi Purpose Sealer  or a  Universal Primer .
Paint the entire surface with Lamp Black (at least two or three hands) .
Allow drying  completely .
Place the  pattern on the surface with paper tape then place the white  graphite paper  and trace  the design with the stylus omitting  the smaller details .
Cupcake :
Base the paper bottom of the cupcake with Taffy Cream  .
Paint a shading line on  the right side of the lines with Honey Brown  and highlight the other side with Light Parchment  .
With the liner , paint  a thin  outline  along  the paper ,   with Light Parchment .
Paint the pink cream  with Gooseberry Pink  .  Shade the pink cream , under the folds  , with Boysenberry Pink .
Highlight on the folds with a mix of Hi-Lite Flesh and a touch of Warm White .
 With the stylus make the dots with Fiery Red ( Neons ) .
Paint the chocolate with Burnt Umber . Shade under the pink cream with Soft Black . Highlight along the outline with Shading Flesh and a brushstroke of Warm White .
Paint the last layer of the cupcake with Honey Brown . Shade with Burnt Umber and highlight with Taffy Cream mixed with a touch of Light Parchment .
Paint  the cherry with Deep Burgundy .
Shade  along the bottom of  the cherry  with Black Plum .
Highlight the top and along the roundness of the cherry with Crimson  Tide .
Strengthen the highlight   area  with  Fiery Red  ( Neons ) .
Paint the stem with Honey Brown  .
Paint a thin highlight stroke along the top of the cherry  , on  the petiole  with Warm White  .
Leaves and hearts :
On the lid , paint the leaves and stems with  Avocado . Paint the lines of highlight and the veins with Green Tea .
 Paint  the leaves  between the  hearts  with a mix of Avocado and a touch of Green Tea .
Paint the berries with Deep Burgundy and paint the dot on top with Warm White .
Paint the big  hearts with Gooseberry Pink  . Shade with Crimson Tide . Deepen the shadow on the right side with  Deep Burgundy .
Paint some  small hearts with Gooseberry Pink  and paint the others  with Baby Pink .
Paint the dots on the background with Gooseberry Pink , Baby Pink , Warm White .
Spray box  with matte varnish   .
Liza Design

2 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

awww...che amore! grazie di averlo condiviso!
un bacione

Liza ha detto...

Prego Clelia !!! Un Kisss grande !

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